how we build you better

  • respecting your body

    Respecting where you are is the fastest way to appreciate what you can become.

    Starting with a DRKHORSE assessment, we define who you are as a cyclist, what your strengths and limitations are, and provide you with a comprehensive report that tells you, step by step, how to start your journey to become a better athlete.

  • Keeping it simple

    To become better, good insights must be easily accessible, followed by actions that are easy to take. Our assessments have been designed over a decade, and have been perfected to easily help you understand what actions are needed to make you better.

  • better Coaching made easy

    Once knowing who you are, what limitations are in need of attention, quick gains can be made. Both you and your coach will benefit from fully customized training recommendations tailored to your very own physiological code.

Book an appointment

Please select from the following services:



We are proud to conduct physiological assessments at The Cycle Collective in the heart of Kitsilano

2020 Arbutus Street

Vancouver, Canada, V6K 1N7

Tuesday–Thursday 10am–5pm